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          Location:About us-Outlook
          About us
          Continued energy conservation, environmental protection,
          Development and research of new products

          Future development will further improve boiler and boiler power plant thermal efficiency; reduce unit power plant boilers and equipment costs; improve operational flexibility and level of automation of the boiler unit; boiler to develop more varieties to meet different fuels; and improve boiler unit run auxiliary equipment reliability; reduce environmental pollution.

          Limited energy compels us to develop new products, new technology applications and research, there is a new energy will enable us to make new choices, Guangde company has "GUANG the world to give all the customers heart" adhere to the concept of innovation, sail boat, Guangde new energy, environmental protection and new energy Ao tour of ocean to reach a new shore.

          Some customers show

          Dongguan Maorong Group
          Dongguan Wing weaving plant
          Dongguan Sheng Knitting Industrial Co., Ltd.
          Dongguan Mingsheng weaving factory

          American Clothing Co., Ltd. of Dongguan
          Gordon Dongguan Knitting Co., Ltd.
          Weaving Co., Ltd. Dongguan thanks
          Knitwear Factory Dongguan bridge in Thailand

          Sony Knitting Co., Ltd. of Dongguan
          Dongguan Fook Restaurant
          Dongguan Nan Sheng Garment Co., Ltd.
          Island Park, Huizhou rich and Garment Co., Ltd.